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ANIMALS THEME: "Fiddle I Fee", "Naughty Kitty Cat", and "All the Pretty Little Horses"

Writer's picture: Mrs. PoonMrs. Poon

Join Mrs. Poon in singing Animal Themed songs. I bought me a cat and the cat pleased me, I fed my cat under yonder tree. Cat goes fiddle-i-fee, fiddle-i-fee. I bought me a hen and the hen pleased me, I fed my hen under yonder tree. Hen goes chipsy-chopsy, Cat goes fiddle-i-fee, fiddle-i-fee. I bought me a duck and the duck pleased me, I fed my duck under yonder tree. Duck goes quack, quack, Hen goes chipsy-chopsy, Cat goes fiddle-i-fee, fiddle-i-fee. I bought me a sheep and the sheep pleased me, I fed my sheep under yonder tree. Sheep goes baa, baa, Duck goes quack, quack, Hen goes chipsy-chopsy, Cat goes fiddle-i-fee, fiddle-i-fee. I bought me a pig and the pig pleased me, I fed my pig under yonder tree. Pig goes oink, oink, Sheep goes baa, baa, Duck goes quack, quack, Hen goes chipsy-chopsy, Cat goes fiddle-i-fee, fiddle-i-fee. I bought me a cow and the cow pleased me, I fed my cow under yonder tree. Cow goes moo, moo, Pig goes oink, oink, Sheep goes baa, baa, Duck goes quack, quack, Hen goes chipsy-chopsy, Cat goes fiddle-i-fee, fiddle-i-fee. I bought me a dog and the dog pleased me, I fed my dog under yonder tree. Dog goes bow-wow, bow-wow, Cow goes moo, moo, Pig goes oink, oink, Sheep goes baa, baa, Duck goes quack, quack, Hen goes chipsy-chopsy, Cat goes fiddle-i-fee, fiddle-i-fee. Naughty kitty cat, meow. Why did you do that, meow. You've got butter on your whiskers, Naughty kitty cat, meow. Hush a bye, Don't you cry, Go to sleepy, little baby. when you wake, you shall have, all the pretty little horses. Blacks and Bays, dapples and grays, Coach and six a little horses. Hush-a-by, Don't you cry, Go to sleep, my little baby. Oh mother dear, where's your lamb, I left him down in the meadow. Birds and the bees, singing in the trees. Poor little lamb cried mammy. Hush you bye, Don't you cry, Go to sleepy, little baby. Go to sleepy, little baby.

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